My weight has always fluctuated from being chubby in elementary school and extremely fit while playing competitive school soccer. I've never been extremely happy with how my body looks, BUT I also can't stay away from carbs and cheese.
So this year, I am focusing on being BODY POSITIVE.
I've signed up for fabfitfun as a 'Treat yo self' for leading a positive and healthy lifestyle. With your subscription, you get a seasonal box (4) with full size products! I just received my first box and am in love with the products I have tried so far.
And then of course making a lifestyle change is on the road map for a body positive world.
I like working out. Not everyday, but most days the endorphins make me happy.
I started OTF in 2014 after a coworker encouraged me to try it with her. I WAS HOOKED. I would go before traveling for work, at 8pm, basically anytime I could get that workout in, I made it work.
But typical with the ups and downs I experience with my weight, life was changing and my workouts became less of a priority. We bought a house in a new area, so I decided to leave the studio were I worked out. I tried running outside, but just wasn't seeing the results that I wanted. Then I joined OTF -John's Creek. I started loving my workouts again and was seeing results.
This was a few months after moving into our new house and leading up to our wedding.
After we got married, I wasn't as motivated to go to class anymore, my job had changed and I was spending longer hours at the office. I decided to reduce my workouts to a local gym. I am going to be honest, all those years of being coached has made me prefer group classes. It is such a mind game for me sometimes trying to motivate myself to go to a gym and 'create' a workout where no one is 'holding' me responsible.
I kept recommending OrangeTheory to everyone even though I was no longer working out there.
If I am one of their biggest advocates, why am I not still a member? They have so many plan options to work with your budget and time. Their staff is so understanding and flexible, which really speaks to how much they care about their members. I've noticed that when I had OrangeTheory in the mix of training for my half marathon, I was able to tackle hills that others had to walk up and my endurance was improving.
Coach Phillip at OTF-John's Creek recently quoted a motivational speaker before our class. (which did kick my butt by the way)
"Yesterday was the last day for excuses"-Dr. Eric Thomas
Long story short,OrangeTheory is running their annual Transformation Challenge and his quote inspired me to signed up. I want to treat my body right. I want that happy feeling that comes from feeling good about myself. I want to challenge myself to be better.
When I workout I make better choices about eating, lifestyle and time management. I am excited to start the year of body positivity.
I will be posting about my journey on here from time to time.