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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Book Club Recap April

I love being a part of a book club. Expanding what I read, a chance to catch up with friends and of course the cheese boards. 
We have read a couple of books this year and I have loved them all so far. 


Michelle Obama's autobiography. I don't typically pick biographic books, but that is the best part of book club. Reading something different. Learning more about Michelle and who she is other than what the media has made her out to be is interesting. She is honest about who she is and her feelings about the Obama family's journey to the White House.


Set in post 9/11 and 2008 financial crisis New York , this book follows a family of four and their dependence on their inheritance. Each sibling struggling with their future whose bond seems to only be their beloved nest. 


The 70s plus rock stars. This novel gave me major Almost Famous feels. Following Daisy Jones and the band The Six, the artists look back on their rise to fame and how it all ended. I just finished this one and thought it was so well written from start to finish!

Grab these via the link below:

Monday, April 8, 2019

Easter 2019 Looks

Easter is only two weeks away!
I have been trying to do one nice thing a day for my Lenten promise as well as not eating meat on Fridays. Some days it is tough because I might not interact with someone, but I love that it is an intentional effort to make someone else's day a little better.  I got this idea from a family member who had done it a few years ago. 
Celebrating Easter with our families holds so many precious memories for us. The message of hope and forgiveness always feels so refreshing. 
Of course you want to look your best when celebrating that He has risen. 

Below are my top picks for Easter options!